
Writing books isn’t for wimps.  Two weeks ago, I had to do a line edit on my book coming out in July (The Matchmaking Twins) and today was my due date for turning in my most recent manuscript to my editor.  I’ve decided that my self-esteem goes through several phases while writing a book.  Here’s an example of my thought process:

  1. *driving in car*  I know exactly where this new book is going to go!
  2. *types furiously* Go! Go! Go!  Get it all out on the page.  You can go back and fix it later.
  3. *turns off computer*  I just wrote a bunch of crap.  That was a complete waste of a day.
  4. *edits previous day’s work* Where did I come up with this?  I don’t remember most of it, but it isn’t too bad.
  5. *repeats steps 3 and 4 for several weeks* *sings Just Keep Swimming song from Finding Nemo*
  6. *does a final read-thru*  I think this may work after all. 
  7. *emails completed manuscript to editor* She’s going to hate it.  Everyone’s going to hate it.  Why did I ever let my mom talk me into this stupid career?
  8. *waits for line-edit notes from editor* Maybe I should go to culinary school.  Or  blackjack dealer school.  But then I’d have to have perfectly polished fingernails all the time. I hate my nails. 
  9. *book gets released* Don’t look at online reviews.  Don’t look at online reviews. 
  10. *looks at online reviews* Oh my gosh.  Someone actually liked my book.  Or at least they didn’t think that it totally sucked. I should go get my nails done to celebrate!

2 thoughts on “Self-Esteem

  1. Just finished reading “From Dare to Due Date”. Loved it! Picked it up because I had read “A Marine for His Mom” and it was great!! Not sure
    about Waking Up Wed haven’t been able to fine it. But will keep looking. I’m ready for the next one! I have added you to my favorite author’s list! So keep them coming. Also, enjoyed reading your log.
    Sharon Sapp, Sun City, AZ.


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